Film Review: BRAIN FREEZE (2021)
BRAIN FREEZE (2021) Canada 1hr 31mins Director: Julien Knafo "Winter is here... but not for the rich who want golf all year round!" - Patrick Nault "We're the victims here... not the bad guys" - Dan The rich, gated community peninsula of Peacock Island, is home to wealthy business men who love to play golf, their families and normal working class people who work for the golf clubs. In order to provide year round golfing a chemical is engineered to melt the snow in the winter season making sure that the grass will grow all year round. This chemical gets into the islands water system turning all the residents who drink the water into frenzied, green eyed zombies with a craving for human flesh. Andrè (Iani Bèdard), a young teenager who seems to only drink coke saves his baby sister from their mum when she turns and ends up teaming up with a security guard called Dan (Roy Dupuis) who is a closet survivalist and super protective of his twenty-something daughter Patr...