Film Review: DOGHOUSE (2009)
DOGHOUSE (2009) UK 1hr 29mins Director: Jake West "What kind of virus only affects women?" - Graham "Bird Flu" - Neil ... ... ... ... ... "We're gonna bash the living shit out of anything in a dress" - Vince "Bloody hell Vince... not very PC is it?" - Neil It may just be me but when it comes to modern zombie movies, the ones made between the years of 2000 to 2010 were the best. When it comes to summing up an era these movies hit the zombie right in the brain so to speak. British zombie movies that came before DOGHOUSE (2009), such as 28 DAYS LATER (2002) and SHAUN OF THE DEAD (2004), even DEADSET (2008) had set a few different levels to aspire to and I feel like DOGHOUSE (2009) was really there to consolidate the era as a whole. Whilst DOGHOUSE (2009) is similar(ish) to these movies mentioned (and others) it tends to take a more misogynistic approach which is both hilarious as well as all kinds of wrong. Lets face it, there is a lot in ...