Welcome to BRAIN BITES!

Greetings Creeps and Dead Heads!

Welcome to BRAIN BITES a monthly blog dedicated to all things zombie movies. It is the month of May and that means it is Zombie Awareness Month! What better time to unleash a new zombie related blog on you wonderful fleshies. I am your host, or the Ghoul with all the gifts if you like (sorry... not sorry). Erm, unfortunatley due to my condition; being undead and all with the rot beginning to set in the name I was given when alive escapes me. The ghouls in my graveyard call me Mash, more due to the fact that since my reanimation I have aquired myself a zombie cat that likes to hang out with me named Monster; and you thought the undead community was without humour?! Well, we have our moments. Anyway, so what is the purpose of BRAIN BITES I hear you ask?

Many of you out there that may be checking this out have probably been influenced by a number of zombie related entertainment methods. Be that video games, graphic novels and books, comics, art, music and, of course,TV series and the good ol' Z movie! I'm sure we all agree that those classic movies featuring zombies from the 60's, 70's and 80's are what grabbed us at an early age and formed our huge love for the genre. Whilst I would love to add my thoughts and devotion to George A Romero's Night, Dawn and Day Of The Dead, the first three Return Of The Living Dead movies or even the brilliant Re-Animator and Bride Of Re-Animator I feel that there are many more living people out there with a greater knowledge and superior cerebellum than myself to truly do them justice. Plus there is already so much out there about these movies I doubt this cadaver could summon up any new thoughts to the fact that they are hugely influential to the genre not mention bloody great movies, so why bother? I have decided to focus my attention to more recent endeavours and more relative to the time that I turned. That is why this particular blog will not feature any zombie movie released before the year 2000!  My apologies to the 90's but you just should've tried harder. I mean I'm not saying that movies before this time will not be mentioned, I am sure they will but my main event will always be a more recent zombie movie. This leaves a lot of scope to mention some very noteable independant zombie flicks, modern day classics, embarrassing sequels and those that just completely missed the mark from the last 20 years or so. I aim to do two reviews per month. The main feature will be a zombie movie that is more well known or one that I think deserves more credit then it got and my second review will be one of those movies dredged up from the depths of the bargain bin or found lost and lonely in the arse end of various streaming services. 

As mentioned earlier being a member of the undead means my dexterity is limited. You will not believe how long it took me to put pen to paper, turn a page or master a remote control so zombie gaming is beyond me but any zombie related movie, series, podcast or literature is eligable for review. I'm not known for my organisation either so dont expect any date order but I hope I feature some titles that will be new to you. If you feel that I have overlooked something, want to mention a favourite movie or character you would like me to feature or have any other zombie related issue you wish to bring up then please do drop me line.

Without further ado I shall commence with the first installment.


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