Zombie Awareness Month!

 Salutations Ghouls!

It’s May, which means it’s once again Zombie Awareness Month! We trust and hope you have a fun packed zombie shuffling time this month. It is not only that but May also marks the one year anniversary of BRAIN BITES BLOG!!

I just wanted to take a moment to say a massive thank you to everyone that has visited this blog (even if it was by mistake 😅) or have liked, shared or commented on any of our content on the socials over the year. We may be undead but it still means a lot to us behind the scenes and only fuels our hunger for more braiiiiinnnsss … erm, and zombie movies! 

Over the course of this past year we've not only covered a varied collection of modern zombie movies but featured a couple of zombie related musical retrospectives and also called in some friends for their input on some classic zombie movies. You can expect more of the same this coming year really,  and maybe a couple of other interesting things if they tickle our fancy!

Got anything zombie related coming up this year you want featured on BRAIN BITES?? Drop us a line and we will fit you in.

When BRAIN BITES first started we considered it a success if we got a few views on our articles… the numbers have steadily increased over the year and we are constantly astounded at the reach this blog has and it is all down to the wonderful hordes that make up the zombie loving communities and Facebook groups around the globe! So thank you all again for your support and stay tuned for this months articles!

We will leave you with the very first review we posted up on BRAIN BITES a year ago. Still a popular rewatch down here in the crypt… one of our all time favourite modern indie zombie movies COLIN (2008)!



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