This section is where I trawl the depths of various popular streaming sites and scour the bargain bins of supermarkets and pound shops to find the unknown or unloved independent zombie movies and discover if they are as frustrating as pulling teeth or as satisfying as breaking off fingers. Our first victim is .... HIDE AND CREEP (2004) USA 1hr 25mins Directors:- Chuck Hartsell and Chance Shirley Residents in Thorsby, Alabama find themselves in the midst of a zombie apocalypse as the dead begin digging themselves up from the surrounding graveyards. If that wasn't enough there is also talk of alien abduction as Mike (Michael Shelton) awakes a top a tree, naked from the waist down, wondering where his car and girlfriend have gone, why his butt hurts so much and is perplexed as to the abundance of the undead. Video store owner Chuck (Chuck Hartsell), Rev Smith (Barry Austin), gun club owner and mullet toteing redneck Keith (Kyle Holman) plus a whole host of other townsf...