
Showing posts from May, 2021


     This section is where I trawl the depths of various popular streaming sites and scour the bargain bins of supermarkets and pound shops to find the unknown or unloved independent zombie movies and discover if they are as frustrating as pulling teeth or as satisfying as breaking off fingers. Our first victim is .... HIDE AND CREEP (2004) USA 1hr 25mins Directors:- Chuck Hartsell and Chance Shirley Residents in Thorsby, Alabama find themselves in the midst of a zombie apocalypse as the dead begin digging themselves up from the surrounding graveyards. If that wasn't enough there is also talk of alien abduction as Mike (Michael Shelton) awakes a top a tree, naked from the waist down, wondering where his car and girlfriend have gone, why his butt hurts so much and is perplexed as to the abundance of the undead. Video store owner Chuck (Chuck Hartsell), Rev Smith (Barry Austin), gun club owner and mullet toteing redneck Keith (Kyle Holman) plus a whole host of other townsf...

Review: COLIN

 First up and easily gaining top plot in the cemetery is:- COLIN (2008) UK 1hr 37mins Writer/Director:- Marc Price This eerie British indie zombie film shot mostly in and around London begins with nothing but the sound of gunfire and car alarms over the opening titles. A suitably freaked out Colin (Alastair Kirton) brandishing a claw hammer bursts into his house and tries to clean himself up in the kitchen. Revealing a large, deep and oozing bite mark on his forearm, he tries to stem the blood flow as his zombified housemate jumps him and takes a chunk out of the back of his neck, adding to his bite collection. A zombie apocalypse is in full swing and Colin is one of many joining the undead hordes. We follow him on his journey from living to dead to reanimation and beyond. He certainly does have a tough time of it, watching him writhe in agony and despair brought back some fond if slightly painful memories of my own passing!! After finally ceaseing to be under a pile of coats he r...

Welcome to BRAIN BITES!

Greetings Creeps and Dead Heads! Welcome to BRAIN BITES a monthly blog dedicated to all things zombie movies. It is the month of May and that means it is Zombie Awareness Month! What better time to unleash a new zombie related blog on you wonderful fleshies. I am your host, or the Ghoul with all the gifts if you like (sorry... not sorry). Erm, unfortunatley due to my condition; being undead and all with the rot beginning to set in the name I was given when alive escapes me. The ghouls in my graveyard call me Mash, more due to the fact that since my reanimation I have aquired myself a zombie cat that likes to hang out with me named Monster; and you thought the undead community was without humour?! Well, we have our moments. Anyway, so what is the purpose of BRAIN BITES I hear you ask? Many of you out there that may be checking this out have probably been influenced by a number of zombie related entertainment methods. Be that video games, graphic novels and books, comics, art, music and,...